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Expand Your Influence

With Purpose-Driven Marketing

"Increase my leads by 30% in the first month"

Adam Wackershauser
Owner, Ippon Karate Dojo

From Five to SEVEN Locations! And on...

Kinjo Sushi & Grill - Long-time client

Maximizing Your Marketability

Many businesses assume that marketing is the key to growth, but we've learned that there's a gap between an operational business and a marketable one.

Often, businesses are driven by opportunities rather than purpose, leading to a constant struggle and a loss of passion over time. By transforming our own business into a purpose-driven entity, we rediscovered our passion and created something we're proud to sell. Our mission is to help you do the same.

Helping businesses with an Impactful Mission, Expand their Influence with Purpose-driven Marketing


Uncover your Mission

Align your services with a deeper motivation, allowing you to attract your dream customers while having a more marketable business.


Have Scalable Impact

Strategically position your offering to create as much value as possible, better serving your ideal customers


Make a Difference

Serve as many people as possible with purpose-driven marketing practices. Keeping the benefit of the end-user a priority.

Digital Marketing Agency to A MISSION

Business > Mission > Impact

Wavefront Media was founded in 2018 as a continuation of Representation Media, which had tragically lost its founding member Kevin Ross in a mountain climbing accident.

Adrian Macri, a founding partner, purchased the business and rebranded it to keep the dream alive and honor Kevin's memory.

Initially, the goal was to use Wavefront Media as a foundation to launch future passion projects. Recognizing the value of digital marketing, they chose this industry as a strategic maneuver.

While Representation Media was a full-service marketing agency, Wavefront Media decided to specialize in restaurant marketing. Drawing from their past careers, they were confident in their ability to learn quickly and succeed in this niche.

At the time, their motivation was fueled by the desire to develop their skills and achieve results for their clients. However, in 2019 the COVID pandemic put immense pressure on the whole world, and our ability to pursue this passion was diminishing. We eventually realized that our motivation wasn't deep enough to sustain us on this path.

To rediscover our passion, we decided to slow down, focus on the present moment, and return to our roots. This led us to develop our knowledge and find mentors, ultimately transforming our business into a mission.

This allowed us to align our passions with our skillsets and developed a deep motivation for purpose-driven marketing, using our expertise to make a positive impact.

Achievements & Memberships

Our Team

Adrian Macri

CEO & Founder

Having previously worked as an engineer, he brings a unique blend of technical expertise and strategic acumen to the table, enabling him to tackle complex marketing challenges with ease. He is committed to delivering measurable results and ensuring a good return on investment.

Brian Pham

Creative Director

With his exceptional creativity and expertise in content production, he is nothing short of a genius in his field. Together, we have been able to generate tens of thousands of dollars for our clients, thanks to our complementary skill sets.

Aj Mattie


Aj is not just an ordinary videographer; he has earned the nickname "The Happiest Man Alive" due to his infectious love for life and his drive to positively impact others' lives, which we find particularly admirable.

Steph The

Project Management

Meet Steph, our incredible Project Manager and the embodiment of punctuality. With a knack for keeping everyone on track and ensuring we stay focused, Steph is our team's ultimate time wizard.

Tony D

Social Media Marketing

With his exceptional creativity and expertise in content production, he is nothing short of a genius in his field. Together, we have been able to generate tens of thousands of dollars for our clients, thanks to our complementary skill sets.

Sari K

Marketing & Funnel Specialist

Introducing Sari, our remarkable marketing guru with over 10 years of experience in the field. As a Funnel Hacker Pro, Sari possesses an uncanny ability to dive deep into marketing funnels and unleash their true potential.

Frequently Asked Questions


What do you mean by Mission?

A mission is a focused effort towards achieving a purposeful outcome or desire. We believe that a genuine Mission has a purpose deeper than achieving $$, therefore having some form of positive impact on the community.


What is Purpose-Driven Marketing?

Purpose-driven marketing is an emphasis on a commitment to a larger purpose beyond making a profit. This approach is based on the idea that consumers are increasingly seeking out brands that align with their values and beliefs.

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